Two reasons why I don't recommend weight loss pills and why you shouldn't take them

I'm a weight loss fraud...

Yup, your Maintainable Weight Loss Coach is a FRAUD!


Because I've never been on a diet or taken weight loss pills to lose weight.

And you know what... I'm GLAD I'm a fraud...

I help all of my clients become weight-loss frauds too...

They stop...

  • counting calories.
  • measuring portion sizes.
  • trying the latest diet craze.
  • obsessing over food.
  • trying to do insane exercise.
  • starving themselves.
  • gaining and losing and gaining and losing weight.

This ^^ is what our current weight-loss industry and culture is all about in the US and I won't have it.

If I'm out of this paradigm, then great. Call me a fraud and I'll take that name with honor.

In today's episode of Take Control Tuesdays I'm talking about the "two reasons I never recommend weight-loss pills and why you shouldn't take them" to achieve healthy, long-term and maintainable weight loss.

Once you watch, answer today's Take Control Now Question which is...

"How do you want to feel while you're losing weight?"

Comment below and 'like' this post if you in-deed did like it!
