Why to weigh yourself everyday and how to not freak out about it

Are you avoiding the scale because you hate the way you feel when you step on it?  Watch today's Take Control Tuesday episode to learn why you should and how to not feel like crap in the process.  

Take Control Now Question

Do you currently weigh yourself everyday?  Why or why not?  Will you start after watching this video?  I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments :)

How Giving Yourself Credit Can Help You Lose Weight and Maintain It

I'm share a simple exercise you can do everyday to help you implement giving yourself credit so you can relieve yourself of self-hate talk (which is needed because you don't deserve to do that to yourself!) and more.

Once you've watched today's episode answer today's Take Control Now Question...

Take Control Now Question

"What's one thing you deserve to give yourself credit for today?

Comment below so we can all congratulate you because YOU DESERVE IT.

Eating plant-based for general health vs. accelerated weight-loss

Today I'm sharing the difference between eating plant-based for general improved health vs. accelerated weight-loss.  Both healthy, plant-based variations of eating are supported by 5 pillars or principles.

In today's blog video, I share these 5 pillars.  Understanding these "5 plant-based pillars" can give you a better understanding of what eating healthy and plant-based truly is all about.

Once you've watched today's video, I'd love to know which of these plant-based pillars resonated with you the most.  Also, are you more concerned about your improving your overall health with a bonus of weight-loss thrown in or, are you more concerned about losing weight with a bonus of great health?  No one answer is right or wrong.  

Watch today's blog video here and then comment below the video.