Why Foundational Filling Foods are the key to weight loss

Have you ever attempted a fruit and veggie diet and couldn't make it past day 3?  Exhaustion and fatigue sets in and you're so hungry you could eat the chair in front of you.  You finally give into the hunger and instead of eating the chair, you hit the vending machine and go all out eating complete junk.

There’s a reason fruit and veggie only diets don’t work.  Now, please don’t confuse this -- fruits and vegetables are essential for good health and I recommend you eat them at every meal.  However, fruits and veggies are missing an essential ingredient that is found only in certain plant foods that eliminates hunger pains and keeps your healthy diet on track. 

That missing “ingredient” -- satiety.  Satiety means the feeling of fullness.  When you eat, it’s very important to feel full and satiated afterwards.  Why you ask?  Well, what happens when you’re full?  Yes, you stop eating!  

When your body is truly full from enough bulk and nutrition in your stomach (not to be confused with stopping eating because you feel sick from highly refined foods), there’s enough long-lasting energy and weight in your stomach to prevent you from eating for another 3-5 hours.  If you don't ever feel full, you’ll just continue to eat and attempt to “eat less” and push the plate-away -- recipes for disaster.

What are the healthiest foods that are high in satiety?  

Foundational Filling Foods (FFF) are the whole plant foods that should be the base (the foundation) of all your meals because they're highest in satiety (they're filling) but low enough in calories to assist with weight-loss.  FFFs are high in satiety because of their higher starch content; they contain enough calories; and the fiber, water and nutrients in FFFs all interact to make these foods your weight-loss (and improved health) best friends.  

Foundational Filling Foods include:

  • Whole-grains: corn, whole wheat, barley, rice, oats and more
  • Legumes: beans, peas and lentils of all types
  • Winter squashes: butternut, buttercup, acorn, pumpkin, hubarb and more
  • Potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams
  • Other root vegetables:  jicama, parsnip, rutabaga, water chestnut and sun choke

How to correctly use FFFs:

Make at least 50% of your plate FFFs.  FFFs should always be the base of all your meals to ensure you’re full and satisfied every time you eat.

Three FFF meal examples:

  1. Veggie burger on a whole-grain bun with lettuce, tomato, avocado and onion with a side of oil-free sweet potato fries with honey mustard dip.
  2. Rice and beans with salsa, chopped onion, tomato, avocado and romaine lettuce on-top.
  3. 100% whole-wheat pasta with marinara sauce and veggies (pasta primavera).

Now I'd love to hear from you...

What's your favorite Foundational Filling Food?  Have other insights to share?

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