What's a CSA and how I'm cooking THESE veggies this week

Tuesday I picked up organic veggies from my friend's farm in Pennsylvania. He runs a "community supported agriculture" (CSA) share. Have you heard of a CSA before?

You pay a farmer a lump sum of money at the beginning of the farming season and in total, you pay less for fresh, organic produce that's being harvested from the farm every week. And my favorite part... you pick up your veggies on the farm and avoid the grocery store (yay!)

I made a video to show you...

  • what veggies I got this week

  • the simple and optimal ways you could use them

  • do you have to eat organic to lose 1-3 pounds a week like my clients do (the answer may surprise you!)

  • It's my first time doing it and I'm excited to share what it's been like

Here’s farmer Katy and the veggies I picked up this week…


Have you tried a CSA? What veggies are you eating this week?

Comment below and let me know.

Love and Leafy Greens,


P.S. I'm accepting a new client next week. Would you like me to help you lose 1-3 pounds a week sustainably like 95% of my clients do? Check out my client results here and to schedule a free consult.