How to Eat Persimmons with Two Recipes

A requirement for sustainable weight loss isn't trying new foods (this is great news if there's not a lot of veggies you enjoy).

However, trying new optimal foods (whole, plant foods) can help curb the boredom of eating the same things each week.

After at least 3 weeks of eating optimally, some of my clients start to expand their palate by trying new foods (and there's a strategic reason for waiting).

Why try new optimal foods?  Well, you might like them!  And, you'll also have a more diverse range of foods to happily choose from.  This will keep optimal eating interesting and exciting which helps with maintaining weight loss.

For example, one of my newest clients likes white rice.  She ate optimally for 3 weeks which included white rice (she also lost 10 pounds in these 3 weeks!). 

Then, after 3 weeks and great weight loss results, she tried brown rice, a new food for her.  And guess what?  She liked it! 

She liked brown rice even more than white rice because it had a "nuttier" flavor.  Now, she eats brown rice multiple times a week (and she started with a very limited palate). 

Today I'm sharing how to eat one of my favorite fruits to eat this time of year... persimmons!

Persimmons are subtly sweet and "spread-ible" like jelly and you may have never had them before!  


Here’s a sneak peak of the recipe’s ingredients…


Now I’d love to hear from you. Comment below and tell me…

  1. Have you ever eaten a persimmon before? If so, what did you think?

  2. What’s a fruit you’ve never had before but would like to try?

Then, accept my challenge and try a new optimal fruit or veggie! As always, report back and let me know what you think.

Remember — get educated, get support and take control because you can get the healthy body, you deserve.