How Vicki Shed 24 Pounds in 10 Weeks and Eliminated Meds Eating Optimally

Vicki Barnard was 70 years old when she asked me to help her Shed Pounds Sustainably.

She was put on a diet as a child, dieted her whole life and then fast forward to 2024.... she had diabetes, kidney disease, awful vertigo and had excess weight she wanted to lose.  Eating just meat and veggies wasn't working for her.  She wanted to end her lifelong struggle with dieting AND she wanted results...

She wanted to get off insulin, eliminate some of her medications, avoid a kidney transplant and she wanted to shed pounds sustainably so she could move more and enjoy her life.  BUT she didn't want to do an unhealthy diet.  She wanted a sustainably lifestyle change that she liked AND that actually worked.

Well, I'm so glad she didn't give into the limiting belief... "I'm too old... what's wrong with me that I haven't figured this out yet?"  If you act on that thought, you won't help yourself.  I'm so glad Vicki didn't listen to that critical voice.

Instead, she hired me as her Nutritionist.  And look what she accomplished in just TEN WEEKS of eating optimally! Vicki.... 

  • Shed 24 lbs without buying products, pills, counting or weighing food. 

  • Eliminated long-acting insulin. Yay for getting off medication!

  • Eliminated her statin medication too because her total cholesterol dropped to 99 mg/dL! Amazing!

  • Nearly eliminated her vertigo!  It’s SO much better now that it’s safe for her to exercise again!

  • IMPROVED her kidney disease lab results! 

  • Knows she can eat optimally for the rest of her life and loves what she's eating (my favorite).

Listen to Vicki Barnard share her story in her own words by listening to my interview with her here. 

She's an amazing woman and I'm SO proud of her!

Cheers to shedding pounds sustainably in a healthy, lasting way AND never giving up on yourself. 

I'm so glad Vicki didn't!

In Your Corner, 
